Sheriff Takes a Bride Page 15
“I’m ready to start working on this parenthood thing anytime you are,” he said, nipping her neck in sensual little kisses that she knew would be her undoing.
Granny Pearl walked Hallie down the aisle of the small church in Greens Hollow. Hallie hadn’t wanted to be married anywhere else.
She’d come home.
Her painful memories of the town no longer tortured her. She’d come to terms with them, thanks in part to Cam, in part to Granny Pearl.
Her grandmother’s steps were sure and nimble, and there was a beatific smile on her aging face, a solemnity Hallie only hoped lasted through the reception that followed. She didn’t want to think her feisty relative might do something foolish, like spiking the punch with some leftover bottle of her local lightning.
Granny and her five wayward pals were in charge of the refreshments, she remembered with sudden unease.
A small frown of worry pleated her forehead.
Hallie wanted Cam all to herself on their wedding night—not down at the jail locking up one little group of troublesome seniors.
Just then she glanced up and saw Cam waiting for her at the edge of the altar—and all thoughts of Granny and her impossible mischief fled her mind. Cam was all she could think about, the man she loved with her entire heart and soul.
He smiled and Hallie stepped forward, ready to become his wife—but not before Granny had one final word of warning for the sheriff.
“Cam Osborne, you’d better be good to my Hallie or you’ll find yourself picking a peck of buckshot from that handsome backside of yours.”
Cam looked for all the world like he adored the ornery half-pint of a woman—and Hallie realized he did. He also loved Hallie, a knowledge she treasured more and more each day.
He grinned over at the feisty old woman. “Don’t you worry about that, Pearl. I aim to make that pretty granddaughter of yours very happy.”
Granny harumphed loudly, then kissed Hallie softly on the cheek and took her place in the front pew. Hallie smiled up at Cam as he took her hand in his. “I love you, Cam Osborne,” she whispered softly.
“Not half as much as I love you, Hallie Cates.”
The ceremony began, but Hallie barely heard the minister’s words.
Cam’s rang in her heart.
ISBN : 978-1-4592-5939-3
Copyright © 1999 by Gayle Kasper
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